

Marine motor is rapidly accelerating the pace of mobile Internet

時間:2016-04-12 09:05:02 點擊:

Now the Internet is ubiquitous in traditional industries gradually under the impact of the Internet tide, industry entrepreneurs are increasingly thinking from the perspective of the internet. Because of the communication technology revolution brings the thinking of the Internet, more and more old things are gradually changing into new things. Prior to the Internet industry, the marine motor industry as an example. A few years ago, people would not think of how, as such a seemingly and Internet eight pole not beat the industry, has successfully embarked on the "Internet" express to such products.


As is known to all, the Internet has begun deep into many aspects of traditional industries, is currently to the online education into, whether the attack of the Internet or initiatively in traditional industries, Internet and traditional industry has not so fire not. Of course, the Internet is a good proof of marine motor. "The era of e-commerce boom surging, change people's consumption habits, traditional industry competition intensifies ship motor only added to the Internet can develop greater market, also can not to be the trend of the times to recede." Industry experts Wang Yongkang pointed out that the current development of the mobile Internet has become a major trend in the future development of the industry engaged in forty or fifty years, he also began to build a marine motor APP client.Wang Yongkang analysis pointed out that the motor industry is a traditional industry. After more than 200 years of development, it has become the modern production, the life of the indispensable core, foundation, is an important part of the national economy. So far, China's motor manufacturing industry has a certain size. However, with the promotion of energy conservation policy and technological innovation activities, the traditional products will be eliminated. At present, China's motor system energy saving is also a lot of problems, especially for the marine motor industry, we need to continue to improve in terms of policy and physical mechanism, etc.. And the current environment, the transformation of the motor marketing model, the marriage of the Internet has become a necessary way to go.


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